White Noise

A curious comedy

By Taran Kootenhayoo

White Noise is a comedy about what happens when two families have dinner together for the first-time during Truth and Reconciliation Week. It explores what it means to live in Canada from two different paradigms and asks; How do we deal with internalized racism? Do we keep pushing it away and pretend…or do we make a change?

Video: Moonrider Productions

Taran Kootenhayoo


Taran ‘Standing Sunrise’ Jerry Kootenhayoo was proud to be Denesuline and Stoney Nakota. Born in Cold Lake, Alberta, and a member of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation. Taran was like water flowing between many different mediums and disciplines.


First and foremost he was a storyteller, and all of his passions filled a big basket that he shared with us. He was an activist standing up for Indigenous rights, weaving his activism and art because he cared about the land and the people. He was an actor and had the gift of captivating an audience by understanding his body’s movement and truth to the words he said; he was a poet and spoken word artist.


That was a place where he could bring his activism, humour, and powerful voice to life; he was a skateboarder, which was also a considerable part of his film creation. He was a transformer. He was a director. He was a writer. He wrote for the screen and stage. He was a fantastic dancer and had style – the poster boy of Indigenous fashion. He had a popular meme page.


Taran was cool in whatever he was involved in. He could steal the show, but he was always generous in his offerings as a person and performer. He just made things better.

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Production Team

Taran Kootenhayoo

Renae Morriseau


Donna Spencer


Jonathan Fisher as Deneyu

Cheri Maracle as Tse’kwi

Braiden Houle as Windwalker

Mike Wasko as Jason Manning

Anais West as Jessika Manning

Anita Wittenberg as Ashley Manning


Lauchlin Johnston


Crystine Booth


Brad Trenaman


Candelario Andrade


Cheyanna Kootenhayoo


Carol Macdonald


Michael Hewitt


Mike Kovac


Cameron Peal


Riley Hardwick


Jenny Kim


Jessica Adamson

Group 71

Production History

White Noise was originally commissioned by Savage Society and developed in collaboration with Playwrights Theatre Centre and The Anvil Centre. 

April 2023 – Revival Production, Firehall Arts Centre, Vancouver

       A Firehall Arts Centre & Savage Society Production

       Consulting Dramaturg: Kathleen Flaherty

April 2022 – World Premiere, Firehall Arts Centre, Vancouver

       A Firehall Arts Centre & Savage Society Production

       Consulting Dramaturg: Kathleen Flaherty

       Company: Sam Bob, Columpa Bobb, Braiden Houle, Mike Wasko, Anais West, Anita Wittenberg, Renae Morriseau, Cheyanna Kootenhayoo, Lauchlin Johnston, Crystine Booth, Brad Trenaman, Candelario Andrade, Bill Beauregarde, Mike Kovac, Michael Hewitt, Matt Oviatt, Riley Hardwick, Dorothy Jenkins, Jessica Adamson

The following artists participated in development and workshops leading up to the Premiere:

Theo Auigbelle, Melanie Bahniuk, Mariel Belanger, Barry Bilinksy, Sam Bob, Amber Borotsik, Brefny Caribou, Kerriann Cardinal, Craig Erickson, Eden Fine Day, Kathleen Flaherty, Jesse Gervais, Tai Amy Grauman, Jan Hodgson, Braiden Houle, Aaron Jan, Lancelot Knight, Michael Kruse Dahl, Lindsay Lachance, Jennifer Lines, ​​Kevin Loring, Danik McAfee, Pippa Mackie, Cheri Maracle, David Mott, Brandon Oakes, Gloria Okeynan, Samantha Pelkey, , Kaitlynn Tomaselli, Chelsea Rose-Tucker, Tyler Sloane, Deneh’ Cho Thompson, Rob Thomson, Mitcholos Touchie, Latisha Wadhams Pelkey, Paulo Ribeiro, Anais West, Anita Witttenberg

Group 71

Production History

White Noise was originally commissioned by Savage Society and developed in collaboration with Playwrights Theatre Centre and The Anvil Centre. 

April 2022 – World Premiere, Firehall Arts Centre, Vancouver

       A Firehall Arts Centre & Savage Society Production

       Consulting Dramaturg: Kathleen Flaherty

       Company: Sam Bob, Columpa Bobb, Braiden Houle, Mike Wasko, Anais West, Anita Wittenberg, Renae Morriseau, Cheyanna Kootenhayoo, Lauchlin Johnston, Crystine Booth, Brad Trenaman, Candelario Andrade, Bill Beauregarde, Mike Kovac, Michael Hewitt, Matt Oviatt, Riley Hardwick, Dorothy Jenkins, Jessica Adamson

March 2019 – Workshop presentation at the Anvil Centre in New Westminster and the Talking Stick Festival in Vancouver.

       Dramaturg: Kathleen Flaherty

       Company: Sam Bob, Braiden Houle, Mariel Belanger, Pippa Mackie, Craig Erickson, Anita Witttenberg, Jan Hodgson, Tai Amy Grauman

2019Rubaboo Festival, Edmonton

       Artists: Lindsay Lachance, Barry Bilinsky, Gloria Okeynan, Lancelot Knight, Theo Auigbelle, Amber Borotsik, Jesse Gervais, Melanie Bahniuk

January 2018 – Reading and the Massey Theater Skookum Series

      Artists: Eden Fine Day, Samantha Pelkey, Michael Kruse Dahl, Chelsea Rose-Tucker, Anais West, Latisha Wadhams Pelkey, Deneh’ Cho Thompson, Anita Wittenberg.

December 2017 – Wright Space Residency with Playwrights Theater Centre, Vancouver

       Dramaturg: Linsdsay Lachance

       Company: Kerriann Cardinal, Mitcholos Touchie, Deneh’Cho Thompson, Anais West, David Mott, Jennifer Lines, Paulo Ribeiro

November 2017 – Workshop at Weesageechak, Native Earth Performing Arts Society, Toronto

       Dramaturg: Aaron Jan

       Company: Brefny Caribou, Brandon Oakes, Cheri Maracle, Danik McAfee, Tyler Sloane, Kaitlynn Tomaselli

Group 71